Vancouver, here I come!
Oh Vancouver BC, I hear so many great things,
“What a beautiful place!” so often folks sing!
I’m coming for you and your rainy grey skies,
Your film industry beckons, shining bright in my eyes.
Wellness, Yoga, and Kirtan galore!
Vancouver Vancouver, what’ve you got in store?
I’m getting a little excited now for my move to Vancouver BC, the clock is ticking and I’m only a few days away! The unknown awaits and my ability to reform and resculpt myself in a new community, and in a new country, shall be tested once again. This is what makes me tick!
“Appreciate the moment” is a constant practice, so I’m off to drink in my last few days of English autumn air.
For anyone in Vancouver, reach out and say G’day. I’ll be taking photos of you real soon.
TJ x